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Requests 973-794-3180 IM: HGRNJ Yahoo e-list homegrownradionj
"We're a small bunch, admittedly, but we're a determined fringe element that cannot be counted upon to do the sensible thing." WKRP In Cincinnati
Click the poster to enjoy our 20th Anniversary Slideshow
If you missed the Live Event at Boonton Elks on Oct 19th, 2024, or the Live Feed from that day, or if you just wanna hear it again, click the links below:
The Outcrops - NJ's own dynamic soul/blues quartet featuring lead vocalist Cassidy Rain delivers an incendiary set of rockin' soul power that's not to be missed!
The Electric Farm (duo) - Joey Mutis III leads his duo through a beloved catalogue of older and newer Farm classics!
Geoff Doubleday - Geoff plays a rousing set of originals, some Springsteen, some Dead and some traditional songs to great effect!
Listen to Willie Nile congratulating us on our 20th anniversary!
Monday Lineup
Sci-Quest with John Hammel and Dr. Steve Candio 9am-10am
Signpost to New Space
with DJ Easy Wind
Just Us Radio with Mark & Krista Wood and Eric Fielo 5pm-7pm
The Monday Slog
Remembering our DJs from our first 20 years.
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Just tell it to "Play HomeGrownRadio NJ" and sit back and enjoy!
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Stream HGRNJ on your mobile phone
If you prefer listening to us the new-fashioned way (on your telephone!)
On Blackberry, use the YourMuze app. Go to, create an account, then search for Home Grown Radio and add it to your profile.
On Windows Mobile, use Windows Media player.
Click here to listen to Podcasts of individual DJ shows
Below are just a few of the many artists we've interviewed or featured on HGRNJ. Click the links below to listen to the podcast!
Todd Rundgren
Judy Collins
Bruce Cockburn
Leo Kottke
Willie Nile
Tom Constanten (Jazz Is Dead 2015)
David Bromberg
Jonathan Edwards
Patrick Fitzsimmons
Host Your Own Show!
Music, Talk, Live In-Studio Guest Performances, we do it all! We have the necessary equipment and environment to Webcast your passion for Music and /or Talk Radio, Globally! Whether you want to use our Storefront Studios in downtown Boonton, NJ, or if you prefer to Broadcast From home, we have the capability!
Our goal is to have each time slot filled by someone... Maybe you!
Relix The Magazine for Music